
\"Lami Cell\" ICE Hock Boots

"Lami Cell" ICE Hock Boots

[UMPR53]Lami Cell
89.95 EUR[inkl. 19% MwSt]
Lami-Cell’s Pro Cooling Therapy Boots combines non-toxic Neoprene, with food-grade gel that provides dry, cool and comfortable therapy for your horses legs.
The easily detachable Pro Cooling-Gel packs, conform to the horses leg, to provide the ideal shape and even distribution of cooling temperature during therapy time.
Most cooling gel packs last on average of 20 minutes, before they start to have a reverse effect and heat up the horses tendons and ligaments. Lami-cells Pro Cooling-Gel, keeps your horses legs cool for up to 40 minutes, allowing the cooling therapy to penetrate deeper into the horses soft tissue.

Farbe: schwarz
Größe: Full (Warmblut)